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Embrace the present, share the past and transform the future.

Your generous charitable support is absolutely essential to your Manitowoc County Historical Society's ability to fulfill the vision of its strategic plan and transform the institution in this generation. Building on a foundation of membership support and earned revenue, private gift support provides the critical difference for our museum's operations. This all-important private philanthropy allows our spirit of innovation and tradition of excellence to thrive, enabling us to spark discovery of Wisconsin’s stories. Each and every gift truly matters – Thank You! 


Partnering with MCHS gives you the opportunity to create a legacy for yourself and your family while also making a significant impact on our local history. 

Consider a planned gift for your Manitowoc County Historical Society if you want to:

  • Involve your family in protecting, teaching and celebrating Wisconsin History

  • Provide ongoing support after your lifetime

  • Receive a dependable income for life

  • Reduce your estate taxes

  • Partner with a trusted organization that has protected local history for over 100 years

  • Feel great about the impact you will have on your history, your community and your state


We all want to leave something behind. With a planned gift, you will make an impact on children and families for generations to come. Your simple act of generosity will help inspire curiosity for people of all ages. Planned giving options include:


Charitable Bequest

Your attorney can help you design an estate plan that protects your family, preserves your property, and benefits the Manitowoc County Historical Society. You can bequeath a percentage of your estate to the Manitowoc County Historical Society, a dollar amount, specific property such as antiques, or the remainder of your estate.


Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity provides a structured way to give to the Manitowoc County Historical Society while securing your own future. A gift annuity purchaser secures immediate tax relief, in addition to a dependable retirement income stream.


Charitable Lead Trust

A charitable lead trust is designed to reduce taxes on an estate by first donating a portion of the trust's income to a charity, like the Manitowoc County Historical Society, before transferring the remainder of the trust to the beneficiaries after a specified period of time. This reduces estate taxes for your heirs, while helping organizations like the Manitowoc County Historical Society. 


Charitable Remainder Trust

A charitable remainder trust allows you to donate generously to the Manitowoc County Historical Society, while providing a big tax break to you and your heirs. As the trustee of your trust, the Manitowoc County Historical Society manages or invests the property so it will produce income for you. The Manitowoc County Historical Society pays you a portion of the income generated by the trust property for a certain number of years, or for your whole life, depending on the payment period you define. At the payment period, the property goes to the Manitowoc County Historical Society.

To inquire about making a donation, please contact the Manitowoc County Historical Society by either phone or email.


Phone: (920) 684-4445



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Suggested bequest language is included below. We encourage you to consult your attorney, accountants, and other advisors in making a bequest.

I give, devise and bequeath to the Manitowoc County Historical Society, a non-profit educational and charitable organization whose mailing address is 924 Pinecrest Road, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, xxx percent of my estate (or, the sum of $xxx; or , xxx percent of the residue of my estate) to support the Society’s operations (or indicate a specific program or operating activity).

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