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We give history a future and today I am writing to ask you to buy a day of the Manitowoc County Historical Society's future. 


In 2016, a full day at our Historical Society will cost $57.00 more than we are sure we can raise. Every day we open for visitors, workshops, school programs, and research requests.  We are donor-dependent. We thrive - and survive - because true believers like you are willing to invest in our mission and our vision. 


Manitowoc County Historical Society true believers are people who have seen our vision and said, "Yes, I want that in my world."

Here’s the future you’ll help guarantee:

· A generation of young people who are exposed to the stories of our past.

· Visitors of all ages who can use our museum’s tools to create a launch pad for lifetime learning and exploration.

· A site that remains an innovative force for an active and
experiential museum visit. 


This may be a tall order but it’s being nurtured and grown at MCHS every single day.  The vision is well within reach but only if you'll help by buying a day of our Historical Society's future.  


Because of your past support, our Manitowoc County Historical Society is an organization that can’t afford to fail.


You've already helped us reach new heights of visitor attendance and reinvigorated the stories of our past.  You’ve changed our grounds with structural maintenance.  You’ve revolutionized futures by supporting our youth programs and cultivating a love of learning in our youngest students.


Our Manitowoc County Historical Society is an organization that remains a vital part of our community, continually pursuing new ways to preserve and share our heritage. 


I am asking for your help to support a day of our future for $57.00.

Creating and sustaining an experience like we offer at the Manitowoc County Historical Society is not without challenges.  As with most non-profit organizations, we are understaffed,underfunded, and have to-do lists miles long.  In order to continue providing the powerful, relevant experiences that visitors can’t find anywhere else, we are trusting in you. The truth is, none of this exists without your generous donations.


You see, we are true believers too.  We know that tall orders demand true believers. 


True believers like us.


We appreciate your support of our mission and help as we work to raise $20,520.00 to close the remaining gap in 2016.  


It only costs $57.00 a day.  Buy as many days as you’d like.  Buy a day in honor of someone you love. Buy a Manitowoc County
Historical Society day instead of a holiday gift or get together with your friends and buy a week.


We’re counting on you.  What will your day be?


With your support, we can continue to innovate and be a beacon of experience, education, and culture for every person who passes through our gates.



Amy Meyer

Manitowoc County Historical Society

Executive Director

Become a True Believer and make A Contribution Today!

You can buy a day(s) of MCHS’ future for $57 a day.* 

You support a week for $399.* 

I’d like to support one day each month, all year long for $684.*

I’m such a true believer that I’d like to support an entire month at $1,710.*

*Please let us know what days you would like to support on the below. We would like to acknowledge your support publically on those days.

Step 1: Fill out the pledge form. 

Success! You are a true believer adn will help to make our future bright. Thank you!

Step 2: Make a payment. 

Contact Us

To inquire about making a donation, please contact the Manitowoc County Historical Society by either phone or email.


Phone: (920) 684-4445



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